Put That Dick In A Box! Dealing With Difficult People That Are In Your Life [Episode 159]

Hi friends. My name is Ms. Diana Paquet and I am the host of The Diana Show. I am an adoptive step, biological and dog mom of five, six, if you include the dog. I’m married to the love of my life, Thomas.

And together we’re shepherding a four-year-old girl, three teenage girls, and a 19-year-old boy. It is a wild ride. Lots of eye-rolling, door slamming, long conversations late at night. But you know what? Also, lots of laughter and tons of joy.

Continue reading “Put That Dick In A Box! Dealing With Difficult People That Are In Your Life [Episode 159]”


So here’s me. I’m Diana. See that leftover mascara from last night under my eyes? See the baby sleeping on me because my boobs seem to be her favorite place to nap since birth? That’s me today. No deodorant, haven’t gotten to my teeth, jittery from my third cup of coffee in a shirt from yesterday. Boo!

Somedays I have my shit together… I really do. Other days? Other days are sometimes such a circus that I feel like I’m drowning in 5 kids’ needs, (ranging from 8 months to 15 years old). Continue reading “Introduction”